(h/t W.B.Yeats and St. John of Patmos)
Turning swirling enthralling gyres
Crypto-Christs gaming for virtual thrones
Exchanging fungible grace for mimetic fire
Babylon’s block-chains mining for bones
When was there ever this many pop-up emperors
Scheming to stamp their likeness onto forbidden coins
Scribe their names onto hotel holy-book covers
Force their grifting fingers into every fiscal loin
Not everyone who calls Jesus “Lord Lord”
Wants to sell you collectible idols or an oil oligarchy
Compassion is also alternative currency
So is death; so is heteronormative-patriarchy
I’v seen the red dragon rise from the deep
Dreaming with the mescaline angels of my youth
When a third of the stars fell into the sea
Spooking world markets crashing 401K’s
Falling falling falling the great city of fables
False prophets serving bull-market temples
Where the ghost of Karl Marx tips over tables
Facebook Caine unfriends sister Abel
Spiritus Meta Mundi beckons clickable souls
But the centre won’t hold so its led to the slaughter
By Beast and Dragon and laughter of their pitiless offspring
Crashing the lamb’s wedding party for its immigrant mother
Come out of her people whose eyes seek the light
Surely surely surely another coming is at hand
When Bit-coin Barabbas buys Gethsemane’s rights
To the songs of the bridegroom and the blood of the lamb
Pax. Daniel Imburgia