I reckon the authorities in Arizona will start carrying these skin color charts around to determine "reasonable suspicion" and who can be detained. My guess is that anyone above #14 may indicate criminal propensity. I am about #12 right now but I get out in the sun a bit and I might jump right up to #25! (Damn those Sicilian genes). No retiring to Yuma for me I guess. Down in Mexico a few yrs ago I got stopped going in to a swanky tourist hotel because they thought I was a poor Mexican! but my fair skinned wife and the kids walked right through. Sicilians are said to be the universal minority, we can pass for anything from a Mohican to a Muslim. We are often called "plain clothed Jews." Things keep going this way sunblock will be considered survival equiptment! Of course, most of the murder, rape, genocide, colonization done in the world the last 200 yrs or so was done by people with skin tones 1 thru 10. I ain’t saying that there’s something inside white folks that makes them genetically prone to violent antisocial behavior (I focus more on culture than Genetics). its just that folks 11 thru 36 would be wise to keep on eye on people one thru ten. One of my wife’s doctors is about a #24, and I hope he don't get picked up on the way to do her surgery on Monday! Most of the best docs in Germany were Jewish and the Nazi higher ups would sneak around to see them after it became illegal, until they were sent to the camps.